Saturday, July 1, 2017

Books I Am Reading Now

I'm bored today so I thought I would post some books iv'e been reading recently.

  1. Wings of Fire: I read these all day and i'm waiting for my next book to be delivered tomorrow
  2. Storm: I quit reading it for about 2 weeks because I couldn't resist Wings of Fire anymore haha.
  3. Lost and Found: That one I forgot to put in my backpack so it's coming in the moving van.
  4. Cupcake Diaries: Also coming in the moving van.

I'm sorry this has been short but it's late and i'm tired so... bye! Link of the Day:click it!

1 comment:

  1. You think thats late? Last night i went to a sleepover and we stayed up until 4;00 am and woke up at 6:00. I'm exahusted.


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