Monday, May 22, 2017

3 Myths Debunked

I love the National Geographic books, Myths Busted and here, i'm doing my very own myths debunked! Here are 3 myths that I shall debunk!

  • If you swallow gum, it takes 7 years to digest. It actually takes the same time it would to digest normal food! Just don't swallow to much...
  • Brown eggs are healthier than white eggs. The color has NOTHING to do with nutrition. If an chicken has red earlobes it will have brown eggs, and if it has white earlobes it will have white eggs. Come on, iv'e known that since third grade!
  • You use 10% of your brain. Most of it is active all the time!

I hope you loved this post! Bye!! Link of the Day: Here!

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