Saturday, April 22, 2017

What's in the Unicorn Frappuccino?

Image result for unicorn frappe
You have probably already heard of the unicorn frappuccino at Starbucks. Seriously, it's just birthday cake covered in abnormally sour sugar. It's only available until tomorrow so... after that it will be time for mermaid toast to take over Instagram. Why. Just why. So what is even in the unicorn frappe? Well, it's basically pure sugar. 76 grams to be exact. And that color? Powder packs. A 16 oz of unicorns includes 410 calories and 16 grams of fat. Also, more powder packs ( sour this time ) for those sprinkles that are more like pure lemons. In addition to the lemony taste, there's a mango syrup in there too. The baristas have been BEGGING customers to stop buying this. Not to mention your endangering unicorns😜 So, you still wanna spend 5 bucks for the unicorn frappuccino? I hope you liked this post! Bye! SAVE THE UNICORNS🦄

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