Sunday, March 19, 2017

I'm back!

Hello from Florida!  I am back in warm weather!! I go back in about nine weeks ( June for those of you who do not want to do the math ).  These are some reasons I will be happier in June than I was for Spring break

  • The weather will be warmer
  • My friends will be out of school
  • We will stay longer

So, I am really struggling to think of an idea for my next post and if you have an idea PLEASE comment because I am s-t-u-c-k STUCK. Anyhoodle, back to Florida. I have been at the baggage claim for almost 2 hours because my dad and my sister are not here with our car yet! Thankfully, there are 3 vending machines so my hunger has been satisfied for a while😊 I REALLY want to go to the beach. I miss my bed, the warm air. My dad just called my mom... time to go!! Bye! Also, the reason I did not do a link of the day is because it is the same day as the last post!

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